Author: Katherine Green
Downwind 2
The Beach
News – Day in the Life of an Artist
This is the news about a day in the life of Pacific Northwest, PNW Artist Katherine Green. hopefully, it will inspire you
Read more about Adventures of an Artist
AzizahMagazine.com Features Green’s Jordanian Women in Fashion Photography
Ms Green’s photography will be featured in AzizahMagazine.com
Her photos illustrate the beauty of Contemporary Jordanian Fashion bridging traditional art forms and women fashion.
PO Box 43410
Atlanta GA 30336-0410
2010 FOLIO Eddie Award Winner
“Celebrating 11 years of Empowered Voices”
We would provide an important cultural organization that supports Muslim women. Please check out this organization which brings cultural awareness, builds bridges and familes traditions check out their calendar of events.
Please contact Alicia for more information.
November 2011, ARCHANGEL Represents Katherine Green
Archangel Gallery represents Katherine Green’s Fine Art
Ms. Green’s Work Represents Cultural Understanding Through Photography and Painting
October featured Artist: Third Thursday Gallery Walk & Artist Reception for Ron Huden
November 2011, “ARCHANGEL” will show Ms. Green’s 8 new photographs and her latest paintings
The public is invited to enjoy refreshments and meet the gallery owner.
Time: Thursday, October 20 · 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Seattle Design Center
5701 6th Ave S.
Seattle, Washington
Created By Archangel art collective
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Please come to the opening of a new exhibition featuring the truly unique photographically based mirror image abstractions of Seattle artist Ron Huden. The gallery will be open from until 8:00 pm in conjunction with the ART GALLERIES @ SDC’s THIRD THURSDAY ART WALK. 8 art galleries will be open with new and continuing shows. Artist reception with Champagne and refreshments from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. Plenty of free parking.
Check out this wonderful event
Muslim Women Supported By Abrab Center of Western Washington
Muslim Women Support Western Washington Arab League
We would like to update and provide a link to an important cultural organization that supports Muslim women. Please check out this organization which brings cultural awareness and builds bridges for families.
Marriages are Like Tattoos
Dedicated to Steve Jobs: In His Own Words
Remarkable Words!
Living By These Words and Thoughts
Dedicated to Steve Jobs: In His Own Words is My Inspiration
“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life,” he said in the 2005 Stanford speech. “Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.”
Inspired creativity, thank you, my hero, I aspire to be like you, Steve Jobs.
You are my vision of creativity and brilliance. Death makes way for the new. You will be missed but never forgotten. Again, you have made room for the new.
You have nothing to lose, live life to the fullest never give up and never wait to dye. Don’t wait to live someone else’s life, this life is all you have. Live inspired. Never live in the past.
A Renaissance of Color
The Arab Conference of Washington Presents A Renaissance of Color
photography by Katherine Green
A Renaissance of Color
Please Join us at the Red Lion Hotel for a fashion show and fundraiser
The Arab Conference of Washington is featuring Jordanian fabric and fashion.
Day: Saturday, June 18th, 2011
Time: 1:30 -3:30 pm PST
Place: Red Lion Hotel, Bellevue WA
Photographer: Katherine Green