Katherine Green Art | Fine Art Painting
Katherine Green’s Fine Art paintings can be found by going to the top menu and selecting current works or early works or the store. Next select your favorite categories, such as nautical, landscapes, abstracts, or moments. Enjoy viewing her fine art paintings. Feel free to share Katherine Green Art and her Fine Art Paintings on your favorite platforms such as Twitter or Facebook. We appreciate knowing your favorite pieces. We would love to hear from you. Do you have a favorite? Tell us what you think!
To learn about Katherine Green, go to the About Page. Explore the menu, find your favorite, and purchase one of her pieces. If you select your favorite painting, you can send her an email and inquire about your favorite piece. To request a commissioned piece, go to the contact page and send her a message. She’ll contact you as soon as possible. Katherine is excited about working with you.
Katherine Green Art | Photography
To learn more about Katherine’s photography check out her Top 25 All-time Travel Photographs. Another way is to select Photography, on the top menu bar. Click on the word – Photography. Click on Photography, you will see Katherine’s Photo Gallery. The Photo Gallery, arranged by chapters is a treasure chest of her favorite photos. The photos chapters, match a companion book. The book is about Katherine’s travels around the world. The chapters show how extensive her journey and travel have been.
Traveling around the world, inspired her to create Where in the World is Kate, a travel blog. Today, Katherine continues to consult, travel, and create fine art paintings based on her travel photography.
Her book is called, ‘Istanbul Calls’. She wrote a second book, The Letter, about her roots in Germany, her grandfather fleeing discrimination, his arrival in the United States, and becoming an abolitionist. She’s working on selling the movie rights to her books.